How to Increase Click-Through Rate of Google Ads to Make Arbitrage Profitable?
An arbitrageur's work consists of constantly searching for profitable bundles, creating and modifying ads. These processes are much more effective if the arbitrageur knows how to increase the clickability of Google ads and puts this knowledge into practice. In this article we are sharing what parameters the quality of ads depends on, how to increase clickability, and why it is important to use reliable proxies in this work.
Improve Ads Relevance
Imagine you happened to attend an investment conference and had the opportunity to promote your mobile app that allows you to create an investment portfolio and effectively monitor its returns. What would the conversion rate be? Pretty high!
Now imagine promoting the same product at a conference attended by young mothers. The relevance of your product is much higher in the first case, so it will attract more attention.
As for Google Ads, you need to use each keyword and create a separate ad for it. Of course, if the advertising campaign is very large, it will require a very large investment of time, so dynamic keyword phrase substitution comes to the rescue. In simple words, you add a maximum of relevant keywords to the title and text, and then substitute new keywords in automatic mode. It is enough to track which combination is more clickable.
Narrowing the Focus
Remember the previous example, a conference attended by businessmen. If they are discussing solutions to environmental problems in a rural community, clickability will be lower. If they are deciding which assets to invest in - higher.
Therefore, it is extremely important for an arbitrageur to narrow down the topic, i.e. to leave common niches and move into sub-niches. Furthermore, the higher the level of detail, the better.
The CTR can be significantly increased if the content of the ads is as close as possible to what the target audience is looking for.
Look at the numbers. If the CTR is less than 3%, it may indicate that the ads are being shown to a non-target audience due to improper selection of keywords. As a result, the arbitrageur is spending money but getting no profit. In general, this is a normal situation, but only if it is temporary and the necessary measures are taken.
Create Regional Ads
In general, it is highly desirable to divide the advertising campaign into regions. In simple words, the text of the ad can be universal, for example, "plastic windows". But if you provide services in different cities, add their names. It's all about psychology. Probably the highest clickability is when you are called by name and offered a product that you actually need, and when it is done by a person you respect.
But since we don't know the names of potential customers, we have to settle for a region.
Add Negative Words
Minus words are words that users often search for in search engines, but which are not commercial.
For example, we are interested in making money by attracting users to apply for a T-Bank credit card. Despite the name change, many people still call it "Tinkov Bank" or "Tinkov Bank" the old-fashioned way. The name of the creator "Oleg" will be a negative word, as well as the word "biography", because those who are interested in Oleg Tinkov or his biography are unlikely to apply for a credit card.
The situation is similar when creating advertisements. It is very important to pay attention to informational minus words. They usually include such words as "why", "where", "how", "why not". Queries based on them are interesting for users who study information, watch videos, etc., but do not want to buy or order anything.
Add Extensions to Your Ads
Extensions are discounts, images, contacts, cost information. All this is not only additional information, but also a direct opportunity to increase clickability.
Such extended ads are generally more informative, as they allow you to immediately draw attention to what a potential customer is more interested in, such as price.
Increase Your Click-Through Rate
There is a little trick that will help increase your cost per click:
- Check the average position of your ad
- If it's low enough, consider increasing the cost;
- Choose the best ratio of cost per click to clickability.
What's the point? The whole point is that some ads are in low positions, the audience does not pay attention to them. In this case, it is important to find a balance between the cost and the number of clicks. Remember, since we are talking about arbitrage, we are not interested in views, but in transitions, i.e. clicks.
Work with Copywriters and Designers
An arbitrageur should work with a qualified designer who can quickly create high-quality static images, animations, audio or video. However, an arbitrageur may only be interested in text ads. In this case, it is extremely important to entrust this work to a qualified copywriter, and not someone who writes SEO texts, and who is engaged in advertising, i.e. knows the psychology of the target audience's behavior and has the relevant experience.
It is not always necessary to remove ads, in many cases it is enough to update them. In general, if we are talking about the promotion of a large number of goods and services, the arbitrageur must constantly create new ads, delete old ones, update and so on. This is a normal and natural practice, but it is very good if you can enlist the support of professionals.
Look At What Your Competitors Are Doing
A low CTR is an obvious consequence of making some mistakes. That's why one of the best ways to succeed is to appreciate what your competitors are doing. They succeed, so you will succeed, but to do that you need to understand why your competitors' ads are more attractive to the audience than yours.
At the same time, of course, do not just copy text or images.
Think of your competitors' ads as a place to experiment, to try to understand how they can be improved. In general, in any area of business life, it is important to evaluate the performance of competitors and try to understand where exactly they are superior to you.
Use Proxies
Arbitrageurs are regularly banned from ad platforms. Google doesn't like arbitrageurs because they're making money that Google could be making. Google's job is to connect advertisers and buyers, not to provide a way for intermediaries to make money. Arbitrageurs are those middlemen.
So if you have multiple products, services, campaigns, and accounts, it's always important to protect yourself. Use proxies from KeyProxy. These are business-grade mobile proxies that provide stable uptime (99.8%), high speed information transfer and automated management.
You can work with them without worrying about Google's attention, and you'll be able to focus on solving specific problems to arbitrage on the plus side!