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1. Subject of the user agreement

1.1. The subject matter of this User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "User Agreement") is the relationship between KeyProxy, which is a support team for the service of providing access to the list of proxy servers located on the Internet at https://keyproxy.net/ (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), and you - an individual or legal entity, an Internet user (hereinafter referred to as the "User"), regarding the use of services posted on the Site. By using the services, the User agrees to comply with the terms and conditions described in this Agreement. The Agreement may be changed by the Website Administration without any special notice.

1.2. The Agreement regulates the procedure for providing proxy services 24 hours a day at the terms and prices specified in the Tariff package chosen by the User, and the latter uses the service at his/her own discretion at any time that corresponds to the Tariff plan. 

2. General terms and conditions

2.1. The Administration provides access to a set of proxy services available through a personal computer and various mobile devices, both currently existing and those that will be developed in the future.

2.2. The User acknowledges and agrees that he/she uses the selected proxy services in accordance with the selected Tariff Plan, subject to the Public Offer and the Privacy Policy.

2.3 All services are provided "as is". The Administration does not assume any responsibility for the delay, deletion, non-delivery or inability to download any User data, including User settings, and is not responsible for the compliance of the used service with the User's goals. All issues related to the provision of access rights to the Internet, purchase and installation of appropriate equipment and software products for this purpose shall be resolved by the User independently and shall not be subject to this User Agreement.

2.4. The User agrees that the Administration may collect impersonal statistical data about the Users.

2.5. The Administration has the right to establish any additional requirements and restrictions regarding registration and use of the Service.

3.Responsibility of the parties. 
3.1. The User undertakes to refrain from actions that violate the law when using the proxy server provided by the Administration. In particular, the User undertakes not to commit illegal actions using the Service, not to violate the laws of the country in which he/she is located, and not to take actions that may harm other services and users of the Internet. If the User violates any of the above conditions, the Administration shall not be liable for this. Criminal, administrative and any other liability in this case shall be borne solely by the User.  Ignorance of the ToU does not exempt from liability. The Administration reserves the right not to refund funds for violation of one of the conditions.

The user undertakes not to use third-party checkers - to clear the cache and cookies before using the proxy. In case of any problems with the proxy's performance, promptly report them to the technical support service.

3.2. The Administration does not undertake to reimburse the profit that was not received by the User in the process of using the proxy server in case of interruptions in its operation. By starting to use the proxy server, the User automatically undertakes to comply with all previously concluded terms of use and agrees that the terms of use of the service may change at any time with the notification of the User through the website https://keyproxy.net/. 

4. Entry of the CC into force

4.1 This Agreement, as well as amendments and additions to this Agreement, shall enter into force upon their publication at https://keyproxy.net/. The User's consent to the terms of the Agreement is expressed in the form of registration or by actually using the services, taking into account the agreement with the terms of the Public Offer (offer) and the Privacy Policy.

4.2. The User has the right to refuse to accept changes and additions to the TOU made by the Administration, which means that the User refuses to use the services.

5. Guarantees.

5.1. By joining the MC, the User expresses his/her consent to the Administration to process the accounting and other personal data, to display them in the User's profile and the relevant services, taking into account the available functionality (which may be changed from time to time at the discretion of the Administration), as well as to the fact that the accounting and other data displayed in the profile will be considered available to Internet users, taking into account such functionality. The User agrees to the transfer of accounting and other data to third parties, including for the purposes of their processing, to ensure the functioning of the service. 
The purpose of processing the User's credentials is to provide the latter with the opportunity to use the services and grant the rights to use additional functional (software) capabilities, to perform other actions described in the User Agreement. The  
processing of the User's credentials is carried out within the period from the moment of registration of the User until the moment of deletion of his/her account. 
The User agrees that the Administration, in the process of processing the credentials, has the right to perform the following actions with the credentials: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, use, destruction and other actions necessary for the purposes of fulfilling the Agreement.

5.2. The Administration is not responsible for and does not guarantee the security of the User's data in the following cases: transfer to third parties (intentionally or negligently) of the Password; access of third parties to the service used by the User using software tools that allow the selection and/or decoding of the Password; failure by the User to comply with the recommendations specified in this Agreement or other documents posted on the website https://keyproxy.net/


6. Non-commercial use

The User agrees not to copy, sell or resell, as well as not to use for any commercial purposes any intellectual property objects placed in the services of the website https://keyproxy.net/, except in cases where such permission is given to the User by the Administration.


7. Terminate a user account

7.1. The User agrees that the Administration reserves the right to terminate the provision of services to the User at any time without prior notice to the User.

7.2. Termination of the Services may be made for the following reasons:

a) violation of the provisions of this UC, its parts, as well as amendments thereto, which are their integral part;

b) at the relevant request of the authorities, in accordance with the law;

c) in connection with unforeseen technical or security-related problems;

d) by creating obstacles and any violations of the services, including the use of any devices, software, etc.

7.3. The Administration reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to suspend, restrict or terminate access to any services at any time for any reason or without giving any reason, with or without prior notice, without being liable for any damage that may be caused to the User by such action.

7.4. The Administration has the right to suspend, restrict or terminate access to any of the services if it finds signs of violation of the terms of this Agreement in the User's actions, without explaining the reasons for such actions.

8. The right to intellectual property objects

The User acknowledges and agrees that the services provided by the Administration contain trademarks and other intellectual property objects, the rights to which belong to the Administration and cannot be used without obtaining prior consent from the Administration. 

9. Feedback and complaints procedure

9.1. A User who believes that his or her rights and interests have been violated due to the actions of the Administration may file a claim. Claims are handled by the User Support Service in accordance with the general procedure for processing incoming requests. The contact form for communication with the Support Service is located at: support@keyproxy.net

9.2. For questions regarding the operation of the services, the User may contact the Customer Support Service at: support@keyproxy.net

9.3. The User and the Administration agree that all possible disputes regarding the User Agreement will be resolved in accordance with the norms of the current legislation .

10. General information

10.1. Nothing in the Agreement may be understood as establishing between the User and the Administration agency relations, partnership relations, joint venture relations, personal employment relations, or any other relations not expressly provided for in the TOU.

10.2. Recognition by a court of any provision of the ToC as invalid or unenforceable shall not entail invalidation or non-enforcement of other provisions of the ToC.

10.3. Inaction on the part of the Site Administration in case of violation of the provisions of the TOU by the User or other third parties does not deprive the Site Administration of the right to take appropriate actions to protect its interests later.

10.4. All disputes between the parties under this Agreement shall be resolved by correspondence and negotiations using the mandatory pre-trial (claim) procedure. If it is impossible to reach an agreement between the parties through negotiations within 60 (sixty) calendar days from the date of receipt of a written claim by the other Party, the dispute shall be referred by any interested party to the court at the location of the Administration (excluding the jurisdiction of any other courts).

The use of any service means the User's unconditional consent to the provisions of this User Agreement.