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This Privacy Policy has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the European Union and other laws and regulations governing the collection, processing, storage and use of personal data), including the current Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data

This Privacy Policy is created to inform users of the Website about the rules for collecting, processing, storing and using personal data that you provide when using the Website (filling out registration forms, etc.).

Website means the website https://keyproxy.net/¸ through which Users can order services. The Users may familiarize themselves with the list of services presented on the Website and obtain the services and bank accounts of the persons providing them.

The Website Administrator is KeyProxy, which provides access to the Website on the terms and conditions set forth in this Privacy Policy, the Public Offer, the User Agreement, and the Regulations on the internal business process for identifying users and tracking their real data. 

The processor of personal data is KeyProxy.

The controller of personal data is KeyProxy.

User - a legally capable individual or legal entity over the age of 18 who has an Account (Account/Personal Account) in the Website or performs actions indicating the use of the Website.

Account/Account/ Personal Account - a record in the Website containing the User's authorization data (login and password) necessary for his/her identification when using the Website and other data specified by the User.


Personal Information - data that allows to identify the User of the Website and is necessary to provide the necessary services and communicate with the User.

In the course of any use of the Website, you may be asked to provide certain information about yourself. Providing such information is not mandatory, as the Administrator does not require you to provide any personal data. However, if you refuse to provide certain personal information, you will not be able to use some of the functions and features provided by the Website.

Personal data is processed and stored only after the User's explicit consent to such actions.

The Website uses personal information provided by the User in person or, if the User consents, through interaction with other information platforms.

Information that may be requested by the Website:

  • Personal electronic mail (e-mail)
  • Phone number
  • Information provided in correspondence with the technical support of the Website
  • IP address of the User
  • User's bank account number
  • Delivery address (place).


The web service can request data from other social networks and resources to quickly log in to the site and upload photos. The user receives a clear list of the requested data, the list is exhaustive and is used for exclusive purposes. 

The Website provides a list of social networks, applications and resources that may transfer the User's personal data: Facebook, Google. 

The amount of data downloaded from other social networks, applications, and resources complies with the privacy policies of the respective social networks, applications, and resources.

The User's consent to the transfer of data from other social networks, resources, applications is clearly formulated and available. Consent can be expressed, among other things, by clicking on the affirmative mark in the corresponding information window.

Questions regarding the amount and type of data transferred from other social networks, applications and resources shall be resolved by contacting the technical and information support services of the respective social networks, applications and resources. 


  1. Personal electronic mail (e-mail) for sending important messages regarding confirmation of operations performed through the Website, sending important information about the operation of the Website, warning Users about changes in the operation of the Website, sending messages of an informational, news, advertising nature.
  2. Phone number for identification of the client as a registered user of the Website, communication between the Website manager and the User, prevention of access to your personal data by unauthorized persons and prevention of any fraudulent activities.
  3. Information specified in the course of correspondence with the technical support of the Website to provide technical support to users in matters related to the Website: registration or deletion of registration data, restoration of access to personal data (recovery of a lost password, login, restoration of a closed account), assistance in other matters arising from the use of the Website.
  4. The User's IP address to create statistics on the use of the Website by the Users, to prevent and detect fraudulent activities, and to identify the User.
  5. User's bank account number - may become known to the Administrator in case of payment by the User for the services received on the Website
  6. The address (place) of delivery for the proper performance of services by the Contractor, in accordance with the Public Offer (offer) posted on the Website and provided for review by the User.


Personal data is processed and stored to achieve the specified purposes. 

Please note: The information you voluntarily disclose on the personal data page, on the forums becomes publicly available and open to other users of the Website. The Administrator, the Controller and the Processor are not responsible for the distribution and use of your personal information that you have made visible to other users of the Website. Such information loses the status of personal data. 

By registering on the Website and agreeing to this Policy, the User authorizes the Administrator to mention the User as a user of the Administrator's services, to refer to the User for advertising purposes.

Recording and approval of personal data that becomes available and open to other Users with their subsequent publication shall be deemed Consent to disclosure to other users of the Website.

The Controller and the Processor shall have the right to notify the User of the need to store identifying data in the case set forth in Section II of this Privacy Policy.

The User may always refuse to provide and store personal data by the Data Processor, except as provided for in this Privacy Policy.

Refusal to provide and store personal data is considered to be sending a corresponding letter to the Technical and Information Support Service of the Website.

The Controller and the Data Processor have the right to store the User's data if the User has a debt for payment for the services received on the Website.   The right of the Controller and the Processor to store data is conditioned by the risks of possible abuse of the Administrator's trust for the purpose of committing fraud by the User whose data is stored. 

The Controller and the Processor shall store the User's data for the period necessary to achieve the goal of paying the User whose data is stored for the services received.

The User has the right to delete his/her account/information specified in the personal account by sending a corresponding letter/request to the Technical and Information Support Service of the Website.

The User has the right to send a request and receive confirmation of the processing of his/her personal data by the Controller and the Data Processor, as well as information about the full amount of personal data received by the Controller and the Data Processor. The Processor and/or Controller shall provide a copy of such data free of charge within 30 days from the date of the request. The Processor and/or the Controller have the right to extend the deadline for responding to the request up to 60 days, in case of a large amount of requested data. 

The Administrator has the right to refuse a request for personal data if such requests are unreasonable and excessive. The refusal to respond to the User's request must be justified and accessible to the User.

In case of loss or disclosure of personal data, the Controller and/or Processor shall notify the User and the supervisory authority within 72 hours. 

The personal data of the Users of the Website may be protected by means of data encryption, anonymization, strengthening of the database stability and control by the Administrator over physical and virtual access to personal data.

Personal data is not transferred for use and familiarization to third parties who do not cooperate with the Website and/or Users of the Website, except in cases of disclosure of such data in a legal manner by a court decision or in case of abuse of the User's rights to use the Website.

Employees of the Website, third parties providing services and/or cooperating with the Website on other contractual terms shall enter into Non-Disclosure Agreements that they become aware of while working with the Website content.

The Controller and the Data Processor are responsible for the lawful processing of personal information, its storage and use for the necessary purposes.

The user has the right to:

  • know about the location of personal data, the purpose of their processing, the location and/or place of residence (stay) of the owner or controller of personal data or give a corresponding order to obtain this information to persons authorized by him/her, except in cases established by law;
  • receive information about the conditions for granting access to personal data, including information about third parties to whom his or her personal data is transferred;
  • to access their personal data;
  • to receive a response no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except in cases provided for by law, on whether his or her personal data is stored in the relevant personal data base, as well as to receive the content of such personal data;
  • to submit a reasoned request to the Personal Data Processor with an objection to the processing of their personal data;
  • to make a reasoned request to change or destroy their personal data by any personal data controller if this data is processed illegally or is unreliable;
  • to protect their personal data from unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to intentional concealment, failure to provide or untimely provision, as well as to protect against the provision of information that is inaccurate or discrediting the honor, dignity and business reputation of an individual;
  • file complaints about the processing of their personal data with public authorities and officials responsible for personal data protection, or with the court;
  • apply legal remedies in case of violation of personal data protection legislation;
  • to make reservations regarding the restriction of the right to process their personal data when giving consent;
  • withdraw consent to the processing of personal data;
  • know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data;
  • protection against a decision of the Personal Data Processor that has negative legal consequences for the subject and is aimed at disclosing personal data.


We may ask you to provide data that is not confidential but may help us to provide better services. Such information may include the language you speak, country and city of residence, time zone, browser type, dates and times of User requests, the "history" of User actions on the Website, the type of User's device, system fonts, screen sizecookies, etc.

We may also collect information that is not personal, as it does not contain information about a specific user of the Website or other software owned by the Administrator. This includes, for example, information from third parties who collect and provide such information for advertising purposes. However, we are not responsible for the accuracy of such information, as we do not control the activities of such third parties. We are also not responsible for the collection by third parties of analytical and statistical information regarding the use of the Website, if such information is obtained by third parties from open information sources and does not contain personal information about you.

We may also store information about how you use our Web Service. This will help the developers to improve this product.


Except for the cases listed below, the Administrator undertakes not to disclose, exchange, or otherwise transfer your personal data outside the Administrator, its subsidiaries, affiliates, and strategic partners without your express consent, unless there are legal grounds for such distribution.

The Administrator may provide personal information to subsidiaries and affiliated companies, strategic partners. This is necessary to provide you with the services ordered. Such companies are obliged to comply with the rules for the protection of personal information received from the Administrator. We may also provide access to your personal data to the statistics collection systems (Google Analytics, etc.), social networks specified in this Policy.

We may access, process, store and disseminate personal information when we have a good faith belief that it is necessary to do so:

  • fulfillment of the requirements of the applicable law, support of the judicial process, or fulfillment of lawful requests of law enforcement agencies and public authorities or other competent authorities;
  • Preventing, preventing, and stopping an attack on your devices or system that is intended to cause you harm.
  • fulfillment of the general requirements and provisions for the operation of the Website to prevent possible violations of these requirements and provisions by users.
  • protecting users of the Website from possible actions aimed at spreading spam or committing fraudulent and fraudulent actions against users
  • preventing the death or serious injury of any person.
  • protection of private property, intellectual property rights, other rights of the Administrator, other users and the public, in the form and to the extent required or permitted by applicable law.

In the above cases, access to confidential information about you is provided without your consent. 


In case the Administrator participates in the restructuring process (merger, acquisition or sale of assets), personal data of users (as one of the Administrator's assets) may be transferred to other participants in such restructuring. You will be notified of any changes to the Privacy Policy in connection with the restructuring of the Administrator in advance.


The Administrator informs that this version of the Privacy Policy is final at the time of posting. From time to time, we will make changes and additions to these rules, which may be associated with the development of new software products, web services, the introduction or change of functions in existing software. Changes to the Privacy Policy may also be made based on the wishes of users. At the end of this Privacy Policy, we indicate the date of the last revision of the rules.

If you use our software products after the Privacy Policy has been amended, you will be sent a letter asking you to confirm the processing of personal data in accordance with the terms of the updated Privacy Policy. 

We recommend that you review the Privacy Policy from time to time to keep informed about the procedure for collecting, using and storing personal information about you.