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Effective Arbitrage Strategies in the Nutra and Gambling Niches: Tips and Recommendations

Nutra and gambling are industries that go one next to the other. What unites their target audiences is that users are willing to spend money that they could have avoided spending. And this opens up a wide range of opportunities for both creators of products and services and arbitrageurs.

What effective arbitrage strategies in these niches are relevant for today, tips, recommendations, why to use proxies - we will talk about these and other nuances in this article.

How Do Nutra and Gambling Differ From the Commodity Market?

Many arbitrageurs prefer to work with commodities, because the pricing in this niche is transparent and it is always clear which goods are to be promoted. In general, the vast majority of goods are legal, their turnover does not violate current legislation. But when it comes to nutra and gambling, it is important to remember the following features:

  • Google, Facebook and other advertising networks are not very favorable to nutra and gambling, because in many countries it is prohibited or under strict control. For example, a certain bio supplement may be in free circulation in one country and banned in another. As for gambling, it is banned in many countries.
  • Moderation is quite strict. Offers of these niches are moderated by people who closely check the creatives - images and text. It is always important to make sure that there are no prohibited elements, not only in the creatives. If the landing page has fake reviews of doctors, such advertising will not pass moderation. For example, if we are talking about weight loss with the help of any dietary supplements, there may be quite harmless, at first glance, the desire to take a photo before and after, indicating the difference in waist size. But this should not be done, as such advertising misleads the potential audience. Therefore, arbitrageurs always have to mask their creatives, replacing explicit information with some associations.

Effective Arbitrage Strategies in Nutra and Gambling

  • Half of success is choosing the right offer. It must be clear, in demand and relevant. This is especially true if you work with new offers or new countries. In order not to make a mistake, it is necessary to study the statistics of search queries, which is well helped by Google Keyword Planner. It is also important to evaluate the search output and, in general, the information noise in social networks.
  • Choose the right geography. Usually, such offers are positioned for one or more countries. This distinguishes them from app installs and other global offers. Testing allows you to choose the most profitable geography to focus on. For example, remedies for fungal and other diseases sell well in Asian countries, where the level of public medicine is traditionally low and there is no access to private medicine. The arbitrageur's task is to determine which product will sell best in which country.
  • Pay attention to competition. High competition is not always a consequence of the fact that working with an offer brings good income. Perhaps it is a simple new offer that everyone is testing, or it was reviewed at some master class, so it has gained popularity among arbitrageurs. The same applies to geography. For example, if no one or few people work with a certain country, it does not mean that the offer does not bring sales. It is quite possible that arbitrageurs simply did not get to this or that geo.
  • Size of payouts. The largest payouts do not guarantee a high income. If the product is expensive, clicks are also expensive, then the cost of promotion can be also quite expensive. This will lead to high turnover, but will not guarantee income at all. If you are new to gambling arbitrage, it is wise to start with low-income countries and avoid working with Tier-1 countries.
  • Choose well-tested traffic sources. Don't experiment with what doesn't work. Regardless of the industry, traffic sources in arbitrage are always about the same - Google Ads, Facebook Ads, social networks, working with Influencers and so on. 

Features of the Target Audience

Even the most effective strategy won't yield results if you offer offsets to the wrong, i.e., untargeted audience.

  • Despite the fact that nutra is consumed all over the world, it is necessary to choose offers of different quality and different price category for a certain geography. For example, in Asia people buy cheap allergy remedies, while in Tier-1 countries they look for high-quality bio supplements recommended by medical professionals. 
  • Age category. Nutra is usually in demand by customers who are 30 and above, with women being the main buyers, regardless of the country. As for gambling, men are usually interested in it, and their age can be 25, 20 or even less.
  • Attitudes towards quality. The wealthier the population, the more demanding they are about quality. For example, in the 2000s, a flood of cheap substitutes for pharmacological drugs hit the American market. Despite the fact that the cost of various items was dozens of times lower than the cost of the originals, they contained active substances that had the desired effect. Many arbitrageurs earned thousands of dollars a day, as rewards were up to 50% of the payment amount and more, and the market turnover was hundreds of millions and billions of dollars a year. This showed that even in Tier-1 countries people do not always overpay for brands and are willing to buy online health products.

Funds Turnover Rate

Different niches differ in terms of the speed of turnover of funds. For example, revshare partnership is really popular in gambling. In simple words, the partner is rewarded when the player makes a deposit. In the nutra niche, the situation is different, a hold is practiced - a time delay. This is required to check the quality and can drag on for several weeks. In general, if the traffic is of high quality, the arbitrageur has nothing to worry about. A similar situation with a hold is also relevant for commodities.

Account Lifespan

Promoting nutra and gambling is quite a difficult task, as the lifespan of accounts is quite low, even if you do everything right. If an arbitrageur works with commodities, the main thing is to find a profitable bundle so that it can be scaled up afterwards. This is not the case in the spheres under consideration. Here, scaling is all about having access to a large number of advertising accounts. 

You can look for account providers on specialized forums, in Telegram channels and other places. But that's not all. It is important to ensure anonymity, and this is almost impossible to achieve without reliable proxies.

KeyProxy offers the top solution on the market - fast and high-quality mobile proxies with speeds up to 20 Mbps/s. High uptime and constant support make these proxies a great choice for arbitrageurs who work with nutra, gambling and other offers.

Which to Choose - Nutra or Gambling?

Nutra is more preferable for beginners. There are many more offers here. In addition, the budget is lower than in gambling. Moreover, many products are something that really helps people to get rid of health problems. 


Nutra and gambling are challenging but lucrative niches. Arbitrageurs can succeed if they apply up-to-date strategies and use reliable tools, such as proxies from KeyProxy, which save them a lot of trouble!