Money Safe
Often wonder why ad campaigns go to Ban?
We have found a solution with Quality White Pages to pass moderation.
Money Safe service creates White Pages with unique content and templates, which allows you to pass moderation in absolutely all Traffic Sources. All White Pages are built manually. It takes 30 minutes to create 1 site, which allows you to quickly launch your campaigns.
The price for 1 White Page starts at $25. What is included in the tariff plan:
🟢 trusted domain;
🟢 hosting from Money Safe;
🟢 1 year of use (no subscriptions)
🟢 White Page language selection;
🟢 choosing the theme of the desired website;
🟢 multi-page Safe Page;
🟢 creating a website on CMS WordPress (this allows you to integrate any Cloaca).
For KeyProxy users there is a Top Gift, by promo code KEYPROXY you will get a Lifetime discount of -10% on any tariff plan